Chocolate Mousse
80 g Sugar
20 ml Water
1 Whole Egg
2 Egg Yolks
180 g 64% Chocolate
250 ml 35% Cream
Place egg yolks in mixing bowl fitted with whisk attachment and whip at high speed in electric mixer;
Melt chocolate in a bowl over simmering water and reserve until needed;
Whip egg & yolks until thick and pale (about 5 minutes);
Combine water and sugar in saucepan;
Place on stove on medium heat and simmer until slightly thick syrup consistency;
Pour hot syrup onto yolks while mixing; be careful not to splash yourself;
Keep mixing until yolks are cool and double in volume and look very thick;
Fold chocolate into egg mixture;
Then fold in cream gradually until well combined;
Pour into silicone moulds and place in freezer this will help them to be unmoulded easily